60 Years Later We Still Love Lucy

To commemorate the 100th birthday of Lucille Ball, the Hallmark channel is airing a marathon of “I Love Lucy” all weekend. Some things never get old, nor do we grow tired of. Watching the zany antics of Lucy Ricardo is one of them. Making its debut on CBS in 1951, “I Love Lucy” became the first number one rated TV show, the gold standard in sitcoms. Along with Lucy’s husband, Ricky, and their landlords/ best friends, Fred and Ethel Mertz, the foursome continue to entertain us. I still find myself laughing out loud as the four struggle to share two seats at a play, after Lucy mistakenly buys tickets for the matinée instead. Who could forget the scene of Lucy being trapped by an enormous loaf of bread? Or Lucy and Ethel working in the chocolate factory? Not to mention Lucy stomping grapes in Italy, or the birth of Little Ricky?

The four stars of the show did not always get along so well behind the scenes, but they were brilliant on-screen. The chemistry they shared was, and still is, magical. Within these past 60 years, the adventures of the Ricardos and Mertzes remain as timeless as ever. Many continue to name “I Love Lucy” as the best TV show of all time. Lucille Ball’s physical comedy made her a legend. Unbeknownst to many, Desi Arnaz was a superb producer and businessman. Vivian Vance was more than Lucy’s sidekick. She was a comic star in her own right, having won an Emmy in 1954 for Best Supporting Actress. William, or Bill, Frawley had been a performer for years before reaching fame as Fred Mertz. His delivery alone was astounding, always on target.

“I Love Lucy” came to an end in 1957. “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” quickly followed. There were more crazy adventures, this time with a celebrity guest star, or two. It, along with the marriage of Lucy and Desi, would end in 1960. Although each went on to do separate things, the four will always be linked together. They have all passed away, however the Ricardos and Mertzes live on, in our TV screens and in our hearts.